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       A daily newspaper is printed every day, sometimes with the exception of Sundays and occasionally Saturdays, (and some major holidays) and often of some national holidays.Afternoon or evening papers, once common but now scarce, are aimed more at commuters and office workers.The later editions can include breaking news which was first revealed that day, after the morning edition was already printed. Saturday and, where they exist, Sunday editions of daily newspapers tend to be larger, include more specialized sections and advertising inserts, and cost more. Typically, the majority of these newspapers' staff members work Monday to Friday, so the Sunday and Monday editions largely depend on content done in advance or content that is syndicated. Most daily newspapers are sold in the morning.    
      Newspapers are published daily or weekly formetNews magazines are also weekly, but they have a magazine format. General-interest newspapers typically publish news articles and feature articles on national and international news as well as local news. The news includes political events and personalitiesbusiness and finance, crime, weather, and natural disasters; health and medicinescience, and computers and technology; sports; and entertainmentsociety, food and cooking, clothing and home fashion, and the arts.
now, most newspapers are now published online as well as in print. The online versions are called online newspapers or news websites.Some newspapers with high editorial independence, high journalism quality, and large circulation are viewed as newspapers of record.
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