Vidyasahayak recruitment for
std 1 to 5 ( lover primery ) gujarati medium is comming soon.the
gujarat government has started preparation for it.abot
std 1 to 5 vidyasahayak recruitment information :
Candidate must pass tet 1 of teach to std 1 to 5 lover primery
school.candidate will be selected based on merit system by gseb board
gandhinagar.for latest information of primery teacher recruitment regular visit
This news is only for information,this circular is changable.government has started preparation of std 1 to 5 recruitment.its proof is here. click here and join my whatsapp group for
all latest updates.
To fill vidyasahayak teacher's form ready this documents:
std 12th marksheet.
second year ptc marksheet.
1 passed marksheet
number etc.
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