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     Recently, voter list improvement and campaign for new names have also been completed. The verification process is going very fast. The names of the new names added will be given before October 5.
      Employees in the state have been instructed to fill the vacant posts with immediate effect. It is also urged to change them as they have been working on one place for many times.
Join my whatsapp Group CLICK HERE.
    In the imaginative WHATSAPP Group of Education, you will be sharing news related topics, study materials, educational and school useful news and materials,exam related call letter,exams related answer key, different exam results, Various songs / poems,pragna materials, poetry / songs, classrooms, useful literature for all competitive trials, which will be useful for you to recruit Gujarat Government, And will be useful for the examination guidance.
    1. Do not get involved in more than one group, otherwise all the groups will be emancipated.2. The adherents who do not comply with the following rules will be removed from the group and will not be able to hear any argument after that.3. Note: According to the Supreme Court of India, it is a criminal offense to make derogatory remarks about any caste, caste, or person, not bad commentary. This will be immediately removed from the group and if the legal question is present then the Group Adamin will not be responsible for it, and the legal action will be taken only on the messenger or the post / photo / video / sender, whose particular note should be taken.4. Do not post anybody who is hurt by political, religious feelings.5. Do not put a flag message like a jokes, pictures, video etc. in the group.6. Group chats such as Hi, Hello, How do you do, Good morning, Good night, Birthday greetings, Festival Greetings etc.7. Yes If you have any message related to Knowledge, you can share it with someone who can help in the examination.8. Group women can also be a member, so do not behave indecently and maintain politeness, the abuser will be removed from the group. No arguments will be heard after that.9. I have carefully read and understand the above conditions from Group Admind. I want to follow these conditions to the condition that I am looking into this group.
Thanks for visit my blog.-Kucha Jagdishkumar.c


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