Most of the vehicle dealers in Surat have installed the HSRP fitting machine. However, some vehicle owners are moving around the HSRP number plate, using a doctor, police, press or writing a symbol, people are writing or typing on a government vehicle. The state's Department of Transportation has turned red in the eyes against the vehicles circulating against the rules. Such vehicles have been forced to take strict action against the fine. In general, the authorities have ordered action against such drivers.
Any type of text or logo on a vehicle number plate is against the rule. However, some vehicle owners change the vehicle by writing a doctor, police, press symbol or text over a vehicle number plate. The state's Transport Department has issued the order to prosecute such vehicle owners.
RTO Inspector or Assistant Inspector has ordered periodically checking the moving vehicle owners on a number plate by writing a text to the penalty. In Gujarat, for the past several years vehicles have been compelled to have hygiene number plate. All new vehicle owners must apply an HSRP number plate. Not only this, the system has ordered the delivery of new vehicle by applying the HSRP number plate. For this, all the vehicle dealers in the state are given the title of the dated RTO to set up a high security number plate. Therefore, the vehicle owner can apply the dealer to the vehicle number plate from there.
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