Students should not come or go in groups from school to home when they come to school.
- Students must enter the school premises wearing a mandatory mask.
- Maintain social and physical distance between each student.
- Students enter the school premises only by hand sanitizing
To do.
- Students should sit in the place allotted in their class. And space
Do not exchange.
- Students bring water bottles, snack boxes and educational tools from home
To come.
- Students have water bottles, snack boxes and educational tools etc.
Don't exchange.
- Students should maintain physical-social distance from school to home
Don't crowd the school grounds.
- Every student should enter the school on time.
- Students must wear school uniform.
- Do not come to school if the student is ill. And report to the class teacher.
As well as visiting a primary health center.
- If the student is coming from outstation or using any transport
Using safe transportation.
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